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Yoshinaga Kawano (Ivanov Lab) and Mariko Kanai (Fidock Lab)

We continue our RIP seminar series this Friday, October 29, 2021 at 3:30 PM.

The meeting will be in-person in our auditorium in HHSC, room 301.

The talks this week are from Ivaylo Ivanov and David Fidock’s labs.

Yoshinaga Kawano ( Ivanov Lab )
Commensal Immunity and Metabolic Syndrome

Mariko Kanai  ( Fidock Lab )
Identification of Novel Determinants Associated with Quinine and Chloroquine Resistance in a Plasmodium falciparum Genetic Cross

Happy Hour will follow the seminar.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: As anounced last week we will not stream the RIP talks anymore. Please come join us in person.